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Starbound free money mod

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Finally, lack of personnel and funding prompted the organization's disbanding, though its abandoned starships and mutinied soldiers still can be found in remote systems today. The final design, Project Parasprite, ended in disaster for the USCM as several prototypes "accidentally" got loose and killed everyone aboard. They decided to destroy it from within by entering into a research agreement to develop bioweapons to raid ships with. Around this time, the Miniknog took notice of the USCM and its nature, and began making preparations to eliminate it before it could threaten their interests.

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Disgruntled soldiers began to mutiny and turn to space piracy to do what the USCM could not, prompting the establishment of penal colonies on remote worlds to both detain mutineers and keep everyone else in line. Like the corporations they once sponsored, the USCM became obsessed with the pursuit of profit and exploiting whatever their ships and soldiers came across, no matter how dangerous it might be.Īfter a few years of success, the USCM began to face serious difficulties with money and personnel.

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The hardy personnel of the USCM decided to strike it out on their own and become independent of Earth, even developing aspirations to expand humanity's reach beyond their home planet and the Protectorate. This continued for decades until the sponsor corporations went bankrupt or otherwise became less dependent on the USCM for protection. Their starships were state-of-the-art for the era, and their soldiers had years of military background. This independent military service initially pledged itself to protect its sponsors and their assets from harm, whether from space pirates or aliens. However, some corporations did manage to get enough funding to start their own private militias, and these would eventually merge into the Universal Space Corporate Military, or USCM. The initial solution to these problems was to hire mercenaries to protect ships and miners, but eventually it became too expensive and started digging into profits. In addition, corporate miners often needed protection from the horrific monsters occupying many resource-laden planets. Unfortunately, these traders found themselves beset by pirates, both alien and human. As humanity began to use FTL travel and set forth from the planet Earth, an increasing number of corporations decided to use this new technology to mine planets for resources and profit, as well as trade with the other races inhabiting the galaxy.

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